quinta-feira, agosto 11, 2005

Untitled # 2

Safe in their Alabaster Chambers -
Untouched by Morning -
And untouched by Noon -
Lie the meek members of Resurrection -
Rafter of Satin - and Roof of Stone!

Grand go the Years - in the Crescent - above them -
Worlds scoop their Arcs -
And Firmaments - row -
Diadems - drop - and Doges - surrender -
Soundless as dots - on a Disco of Snow -

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)


At 8:11 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said...

She thanks you for letting them know her.

At 7:30 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

yeah..she does..but she can't write cause she's rotten!

Get a bloody life..you sycophant!

Psycho Myko

At 7:32 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...


I've been following your posts and i must say ...when you're not posting in that strange language, you seem a very interesting boy!


At 10:49 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

3:29...clap clap..

At 1:53 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said...

actualiza esta porra..oh bode....

associacao dos leitores do blog do kafka...


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