sexta-feira, outubro 21, 2005

Untitled # 4

The Martyr Poets - did not tell -
But wrought their Pang in syllable -
That when their mortal name be numb -
Their mortal fate - encourage Some -

The Martyr Painters - never spoke -
Bequeathing - rather - to their Work -
That when their conscious fingers cease -
Some seek in Art - the Art of Peace -

Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886)


At 6:04 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

She lived not much, barely unveiling her inner self by letting others know her poetry. Most of her poems were kept like a secret only discovered when she died. Died?! Who?!

At 5:21 da tarde, Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés said...

Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.

At 4:32 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

This is my letter to the World
That never wrote to Me -
The simple News that Nature told -
With tender Majesty

Her Message is committed
To Hands I cannot see -
For Love of Her - Sweet - countrymen -
Judge tenderly - of Me

Again and always Emily Dickinson. Sorry, but I just couldn't help myself to offer back one of her poems.


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